Exclusive perks for our Prestige and Prime Checking account members.
Shop local. Save local. Powered by BaZing, Alta Vista Perks brings more than 400,000 discounts where you live, work, or travel.

Fill up with rewards.
Earn rewards to redeem at the pump simply by using your debit card for every day purchases.

Get discounts that fit each day, each plan, each purchase.

The restaurants and shops you know and love are included in the BaZing savings network, right where you live and across the nation.

Simply show your mobile coupon to the retailer for instant savings.
Fill up with rewards
Sign up - Add fuel benefits through the Alta Vista Perks app powered by BaZing.
Swipe - Only 15 swipes per month earns you fuel savings.
Save - Save 10¢ per gallon on up to 20 gallons.
Cell Phone Protection
Roadside Assistance
Buyer's Protection and Extended Warranty
ID Theft Aid
Identity Restoration
Identity Monitoring*
Credit Monitoring*
*Identity Monitoring and Credit Monitoring require additional enrollment on BaZing.com. Cell phone protection, personal identity protection, and buyer's protection and extended warranty are subject to additional terms and conditions.
Local Partners
Looking for some of your favorite local businesses? See our partner list here.
Are you a local merchant and want to be featured in our app for FREE? Visit here to get started.

Bank online 24/7 using online banking or the mobile app

Bank over the phone 24/7. Call 909.809.3837

Find your nearest branch or ATM using our Branch Locator
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Rates effective as of: March 25, 2025
{Optional: Insert table disclosure information}
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FRAUD alert.
There's been an increase in fraudulent activity. Read our article and learn how to better protect yourself. Learn More